New GitHub integration to explore DevOps performance
We’re releasing our next major update to the platform, including a new GitHub integration to help you visualize your development speed and delivery frequency.
Fast GitHub insights in 5 minutes
Connect GitHub and generate a free historical report of your team’s key DevOps performance metrics, including delivery frequency and code throughput, in less than 5 minutes. With global data, you’ll be able to see where your company ranks compared to industry top performers.
You can also invite anyone on your team when you generate your organization's GitHub report. Simply copy the link and share in your team's Slack workspace, or add team members by email.
New production throughput metrics
After generating your GitHub report, you’ll unlock access to continuously updating metrics about your organization's DevOps performance. You can view your organization’s lead time, commit activity, and production throughput—refreshed daily.
Over time, you’ll be able to see how your team is trending, as well as how your company ranks compared to global benchmarks.
As always, data isn’t just an intellectual exercise. It needs to be translated into action. It’s the old adage—measure what you want to improve.
With Software, you can improve your team’s development flow:
- Protect code time on your calendar
- Optimize meeting schedules and decrease meeting load
- Automate away notifications and distractions
Get started
You can integrate GitHub by heading over to the Production Throughput Explore and following the setup instructions. Setup takes just a few minutes. Plus, it’s free forever, with the option to upgrade.
Reach out to us at if you have any questions or need help connecting GitHub.