7 months ago
🚀 Enhanced feature detection
We’ve improved our feature calculations to automatically ignore pull requests in development workflows—such as dependency updates, back merges, and releases—that are not representative of developer productivity. These improvements have been requested by customers. As a result of this update, you may see a slight decrease in features per engineer, and industry benchmarks will be more accurate.
A pull request is excluded from your metrics if it meets any of the following criteria:
- It is authored by a bot (e.g. a dependency update)
- The head branch is the default branch (e.g. a back merge to sync changes from default into a development branch)
- It does not include any unique commits that haven’t already existed in a previous pull request (e.g. merging a release branch into main)
- More than three authors merged a pull request into the head branch (e.g. a long-lived feature branch)
You can review the list of pull requests that are included/excluded in our definitions by hovering over a data point and viewing more pull requests in the flyout.